Today a lot of Desire - Poem

Today a lot of desire
See you,
I do not know what you’re
That may be
Why do the eyes of all the memories
What is floating in front of the ball?
I do not want to
Who can think of memories?
Yet do not actually
It is very strange that in mind
Do not want to remember
That's the mind
Was written on the wall
I do not know about today
Who is going to leave you?
I could not accept.
Does not know
What I cannot accept it
Can you recommend a
I have my life
Much rather have BlogSpot
Not that I ever
This broken heart cannot just
Kicking back glue
I just can not
I mind someone
Who's to say you love
Although some loss of
Fear Now
And sometimes I do not.
But on one came to
To a power
Tau desire within me and
Who would I love to live alone?